RHI Storm Brakes Static storm brake for railmounted cranes and machines to prevent runaway in a storm or power failure. Talk To Our Experts 1800 174 447 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Phone *Email *How can we help? *CommentAsk Our Experts Technical Documentation Wheel Brake RHI 101-RHI 105 Wheel Brake RHI 30, 56, 70 Storm Brakes Type RPS, RHI & RKB Storm Brakes Type RPS, RHI, RHI-FC & RTCB Storm Brakes RHI 30/56/70/85 (Wheel Brake) Storm Brakes RHI 100 FC (Wheel Brake) Storm Brakes RTCB 225-80/6 (Rail Brake) Storm Brakes RTCB 350-80/6 (Rail Brake)